

Tutorial in the field of Tourism


1. General presentation of the content and objectives of the training 

The content includes materials, the mastery of which aims at acquiring a system of scientific knowledge about the basics of tourism as a basis and introduction to various specialized modules in the field of tourism and leisure time.

Through the educational content knowledge about tourism development, status and trends in international tourism is acquired; about the specifics of leisure time and tourism;  the factors and resources that influence the development of tourism; on the importance of tourism; on the benefit of marketing research, advertising and management; hotel and restaurant management, travel and tourism management, event tourism, tour operator and travel agency activities, attractions management and sustainable development in tourism.

The materials contain theoretical and practical parts, developed in a targeted way, so that they are easy to learn and understand by non-professionals in the field of tourism.

Educational content in the curriculum is divided into nine separate thematic modules. The structure of each module includes a number of sub-topics, including keywords, bibliography, additional (discussion) questions, additional materials containing examples, case studies and best practices on the Internet.

The training is conducted by providing theoretical training material for new knowledge. For the active participation of students the topics include elements of discussion, best practices, case studies with practical purpose.


2. Educational Content

The educational content is divided into nine thematic modules as follows:

  1. Basics of tourism

  2. International tourism

  3. Hotel and restaurant management

  4. Travel and tourism management

  5. Marketing of leisure time and tourism 

  6. Management of events

  7. Tour operator’s activity

  8. Attractions management

  9. Responsible and sustainable tourism


The content of each topic is presented in volume of 15-20 pages. The introduction clarifies the topicality of the training course, its objective and tasks, the methods of presentation of the materials. Each topic includes:

  • a brief introduction to the objectives of the topic and the knowledge that will be acquired after the material is learned;

  • illustrative material such as figures, photos, tables and text boxes;

  • a list of the sources used;

  • keywords;

  • where appropriate, an additional text will be provided (possibly in a text box)

  • where appropriate, best practices will be presented (possibly in a text box)

There are special differentiated sections with: 

  • Keywords

  • Bibliography

  • Additional questions (discussion ones)

  • Additional materials

The material contains a list of abbreviations, a list of tables, a list of figures, a list of boxes with text, a list of photos. Current statistics are used, current literature and bibliographical references of the literary and Internet sources used.

The materials are prepared in Bulgarian language with a total volume of about 150 pages, using formatting font Times New Roman, 12 p, single space between lines.


3. Expected learning outcomes 

At the end of the training, the learners and those who have completed the training course must know:

  • the basic concepts and terms in tourism;

  • the development of international tourism;

  • the status, trends and perspectives in modern tourism;

  • the factors and resources for the development of tourism;

  • basic concepts of leisure time, tourism and recreation;

  • the initial theoretical moments in marketing and management of leisure time and tourism;

  • the principles of sustainable development in tourism

  • specificity of tourist attractions

  • specificity and fundamentals of events management

  • the basics of tour agent and travel agency’s activity

  • principal formulations of destination management


to be able:

  • to use specific terminology in the field of tourism;

  • to know the specifics of the various tourist resources;

  • to apply knowledge about the development of their own business;

  • to apply the principles of sustainable development; 


4. Evaluation and verification of knowledge 

The assessment and verification of the acquired knowledge will be done by means of test questions for self-check and self-assessment of the material learned.

A bank of questions is drawn up covering the whole studying material, divided in different topics. The test bank is drawn up following the principle of closed questions, with four possible answers and only one correct answer.


5. Authors 

Prof. Dr.  Maria Vodenska

Prof. Dr.  Sonya Mileva