Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to enroll in a course?

Enrollment in a course is available to registered users only. After you create an account in the system (How to do this – see below), log into your account and select your course. Select the "Enroll" button and start your training.

  • How shall I register/ How shall I create an account?

Click the "Login" button  – at the top to the right of the flag with the language. Scroll down the field "You don't have an account? Create your own here." Fill in your first and last name, email address and telephone number in the boxes and enter a password. Select your area of interest and after you become familiar with the General terms and conditions tick the box to show you agree with them. Complete the process by pressing the blue "Registration" button. 

  • How do I log into my account?

 Click the "Login" button  – top right to the flag with the language. You have the option to log in to your account by entering your e-mail and password from your registration, as well as with your accounts in Facebook and Google +.

@Tags: FAQ

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